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for Young Arbitration Practitioners Norway


The association's name is Young Arbitration Practitioners Norway, with the abbreviation YAPN. The association has its seat in Oslo municipality.



The association's purpose is to promote and spread knowledge and interest in Norwegian and international arbitration and for Norway as a forum for arbitration, including the organization of and participation in events, courses and meetings.



The association is a self-governed and independent legal person with impersonal and limited liability for debt.



Membership is open to Norwegian and foreign lawyers, as well as others with an interest in arbitration, who are not older than 40 years. Membership ends automatically at the end of the calendar year that the member is 41 years old.


The Board may grant a dispensation for the continuation of membership for members whose membership ends due to age.


Businesses and institutions may be members


For membership, a fee is determined by the Board. The fee shall be an annual fee for a calendar year. The Board may set special rules regarding the size of the fee amount for new members in the first calendar year.  


The Board may stipulate that students, university employees or other groups of persons may be considered members without paying a fee. 

The fee is collected upon registration in the association and otherwise once a year. 



The association is chaired by four to eight members, all of who are elected every second year by the General Meeting. The association's first Board is elected at the founding meeting.


Gender balance shall be sought in the composition of the Board. It should also be emphasized that several law firms have representatives in the Board.


Board members are elected for two years at a time and re-election can take place. The Board elects a chairman among its members, a secretary and a treasurer.


Notice of Board meetings is given in writing with at least 14 days notice.


The Board has quorum when more than half of the Board members are present.


The Board makes a decision by simple majority voting. By voting, the chairman's vote is decisive.


The Board may decide that the association shall be associated with one or more Norwegian or foreign organizations, institutions or associations within arbitration. 



Power of signature is exercised jointly by two Board members. 



The General Assembly is the highest authority in all affairs of the association.


The Annual General Meeting is held once a year by the end of June.


The Annual General Meeting is convened by the Board with at least 14 days notice. Notice is made by e-mail to each member. The Annual General Meeting may also be convened by posting on the association's website.


Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall contain an agenda and a brief statement of proposals to be considered. 


Any fee paying member may submit proposals for consideration at the Annual General Meeting. Proposals to be considered at the Annual General Meeting shall be sent to the Board within April 1st.


Extraordinary General Meeting is held when the Board considers it necessary or when required by at least 25% of the association's fee paying members. In such case, the Board shall, within 14 days and then with a minimum of 14 days notice convening an Extraordinary General Meeting. Requests for an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be submitted in writing to the Board and shall be accompanied by a reasoned draft agenda.


The agenda of the Annual General Meeting shall contain the following:

1)    Election of chairman.
2)    The Board's report on the association's activities in the previous year.
3)   Presentation of accounts for approval.
4)    Determination of annual quota for the following calendar year.
5)    Election of Board members.
6)    Election of auditor.
7)    Treatment of any proposals from the Board or members.
8)    Miscellaneous.


The General Meeting is chaired by the chairman, who decides all questions concerning the General Meeting's management and voting.


At the General Meeting each personal contingent member has one vote.


All decisions are made by simple majority voting, except for resolutions requiring qualified majority voting.


A decision to amend the Articles of Association in cases other than resolution of the association or the change of association's purpose is valid only if the decision is accepted by at least 2/3 of the votes represented at the General Meeting.


The association's purpose may be changed or the association may be resolved by resolution of this at a General Meeting, where at least 2/3 of all fee paying members of the association vote in favour of.


When resolving the association, any excess funds must be used in accordance with the purpose of the Board's decision.



The Board may elect an administrator and decide on his or her remuneration.



The Association's auditor reviews the accounts annually. The auditor is elected by the Annual General Meeting for the period until the next Annual General Meeting.


Re-election of the auditor may take place.


The association's financial year shall be the calendar year.


The first financial year runs from the foundation until 31 December 2016.


Adopted at the founding meeting on November 29, 2016. 


As chairman: 

Kaare Andreas Shetelig 


Please contact one of our board members if you have any questions.


We are financed mainly through membership quotas, but we also receive financial support from law firms


Contact the chairman if you wish to
support us.

Send an e-mail directly to one 
of our
 board members.

©  Wikborg Rein Advokatfirma AS

/Helene S. Lillebye  -  2017



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